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Virtual Drawing Session with Josh


Join us this Sunday to draw our wonderful model Josh! The session will run from 2-4pm Eastern Standard Time. All the details and how to sign up can be found below. 

And once again, there will also be a raffle for session attendees with a prize from The Little Gay Shop!

As always feel free to message us here or on social media if you have any questions.  Hope to see you Sunday! 

  • Please send $10 ($5 for figure drawing members) AND your email address via venmo to @kyleMAnderson, or via Paypal to by this Saturday at 5pm to guarantee you receive the meeting link and final details.

  • You will need a Zoom account (it is free), and please be sure everything works. (It can be accessed via web browsers or through an app on your mobile device)

  • Pose breakdown will be 4 x 5 minutes, 2 x 10 minutes, and 3 x 20 minutes.

  • As this will be streaming online, Nudity is not guaranteed, and is up to the model's discretion and should not be expected. In any event, we ask that you please respect the model's privacy by NOT taking any photos, screenshots, or recordings of the sessions.